Name: Ivan Tanev Stoyanov
Born: Yambol, Bulgaria, 1981
2002-2010: National Academy of fine Arts- "Nicolay Pavlovich" - Sofia
faculty: Exquisite , subject: Sculpture
1995-2000: National High School
of plastic arts and design-
"Acad.Dechko Uzunov"- Kazanlak
subject: Fine Arts
Exhibitions, Participation in and Monumental realization in public space:
[-]012: Participation in project: "Painting from many in the New Year", gallery DPH, Plovdiv
2011: Monumental realization in public space: Fountain with mineral and spring water- "Life-giving water", Belchin, Bulgaria
[-]011: General exhibition "From the heart and other materials" -
in central building of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia
12.2010: General exhibition "Intersection", gallery "st. Ivan Rilski '' , Sofia
05.2010: General exhibition "The dream of the city"
gallery "The Mission", Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sofia
11.2009: General exhibition painting- gallery George Papazov- Yambol
10.2009: Participation in Workshop in Kabile
09.2009: One man show- gallery Reflex- Sofia
08.2009: Monumental realization in public space:Project "Outdoor Sculpture", fountain "Love and Gratitude", Petrevene
09.2008: Monumental realization in public space:Sculpture Symposium, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria, "Flame Leaf Light"
08.2008: Monumental realization in public space: Project "Outdoor Sculpture"- "The garden of grandfather Ivan", Petrevene, Bulgaria
01.2008: Group Exhibition, gallery "Shipka 6" Sofia
01.2008: Participation in group project- "Mummer" Pernik
10.2007: Group Sculpture Exhibition, gallery "Circle+" Sofia
10.2007: Participation in Workshop Clay/Transformation, exibitions in gallery SHUPI- Troyan
07.2007: Participation in Sculpture Symposium, Ilindentzi, Bulgaria
06.2007: Monumental realization in public space:Diploma in sculpture , "Invisible nature" -Sofia
04.2005: Participation in Sculpture Symposium - "Yordanov den", lake- Ilindenci, Bulgaria
12.2004: General exhibition painting- Holland
08.2004: Monumental realization in public space: "The Fountain" - Yablanitsa, Bulgaria
06.2004: Student exhibition Drawing - Sofia
04.2004: General exhibition painting , Kiril Krastev gallery- Yambol
12.2003: General exhibition, Banyata - Sofia
08.2003: Group Sculpture Exhibition in More Sur Loan, France
04.2003: Student exhibition gallery "Circle+" Sofia
12.1999: General exhibition painting French culture centre - Sofia
12.1999: General exhibition painting Public gallery - Kazanlak
10.1999: General exhibition painting Erth and people museum- Sofia
09.1999: Exhibition competition- George Papazov gallery- Yambol
09.1998: Exhibition competition- George Papazov gallery- Yambol
11.1997: One man show Iskra library - Kazanlak